Short bio

Wendy Weiss is an artist, natural dyer, and weaver who uses natural dyes that she cultivates and collects locally.  She was awarded a 2014–15 Fulbright Nehru Senior Scholar Award, to follow-up on a previous Fulbright Award in 2009 to document ikat textiles from an artist’s perspective in India, and is a past recipient of two Nebraska Arts Council Artist Fellowships, as well as a Winterthur Residential Fellowship. Her work has been exhibited in solo and group shows in North America, Europe, and Asia. She is an on the editorial team for the Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice, former board member of the Textile Society of America, and professor emerita of textile design in at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She teaches workshops on creative applications of warp ikat and natural dye, and collaborates with Jay Kreimer on a range of installation projects using diverse materials. Wendy is available for on-line lectures and short form on-line natural dye classes by request,

3 thoughts on “Short bio

  1. Hi Wendy! Wonderful place to find you again after a long gap.working with natural dyes from the Himalayan region ,mostly E ri silk,merino and Tibetan wool in a remote rural mountain area.women empowerment through handweaving and knitting ,dyeing with local herbs.c and flowers,now vgoing into handblock printing and. Shibori with Nat dyes….why don’t you come for a visit? Smiles.dara

  2. Hi Wendy!
    Love your ikat weaving that you are weaving. It seems so natural to use natural dyes for ikat because it is such an old technique. I will hopefully meet you in Lódz in August, I have signed up for your weaving course. Looking forward to it!
    Ragheidur Thorsdottir from Iceland

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